Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Life is a beautiful struggle

"And the harsh reality of life is that you are going to hurt. You're going to cry over a silly boy - your heart's going to be broken. But you have to pull yourself together so people don't see how vulnerable you are. Once people see vulnerability, they take advantage of you. And the whole process starts all over again."

"Everyone says love hurts, but that is not true. Loneliness hurts. Rejection hurts. Losing someone hurts. Envy hurts. Everyone gets these things confused with love, but in reality, love is the only thing in this world that covers up all pain and makes someone feel wonderful again. Love is the only thing in this world that does not hurt."

"Realize now that when your heart breaks, you got to fight like hell to make sure you're still alive. Because you are. And that pain you feel? That's life. The confusion and fear? That's there to remind you, that somewhere out there is something better, and that something is worth fighting for."

These quotes is how i have been feeling lately...i am in so much pain lately i was dating someone for 5 months, things were always rocky with us but we usually made it through...after a few months we just were always fighting i was getting jealous and we lived about an hour and a half away so i was always tripping on what he was doin..we finally broke up in december.
I have been so hurt and so sad and feel like nothing will ever be the same without nick.

I know i will be okay again it will just take some time and i know a broken heart is the worst kinda pain but i am a strong girl i will make it, just need my friends and family to be here for me and not to judge me for all the mistakes i have made..no one is perfect we all do silly things at times. Just wanna be the girl i used to be and be happy again!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


I don’t have a fear of commitment- I have a fear of abandonment.
We all screw things up, I screw things up.
Especially with the people I love.
I get needy, I get moody, I get distant, I want to be too close.
I get confused, I don’t understand all of it.
But I keep pushing because I hope in this thing. The universe.
There’s no way I’m the only person out there who wants something this bad
If I want it someone else out there must too.

Its totally how i feel lately, i have always been the type of girl that
gets scared and runs away when i have a problem or when i am about to get close to someone, I just have this fear and i dont even know what it is that im afraid of, i just take off running.
I know im still living in the past i keep seem to keep moving forward, I m
et a new guy who is amazing and treats me like im the world to him, he says the perfect things and does the greatest things and im still stuck on a guy who doesnt want me anymore, why cant i just forgive and forget?
I need to be strong i NEED to do this, I want to be with this guy im gonna commit and im not gonna get scared or run from him, I need to stop analyzing and to just let it happen, if i get hurt or if something bad happens then is happens there is nothing i can do to change that, as long as i learn from mistakes and not let them happen again. ENJOY LIFE!

Sunday, October 31, 2010


"I hope that someday, somebody wants to hold you for twenty minutes straight, and that's all they do. All they do is wrap you up in their arms, without an ounce of selfishness in it."

I have been hanging out with the most amazing guy! his name is Brent, man that boy drives me crazy he is soooo amazing in every way! the quote above
is totally him! he is always there for me and will just come over for a sec to give me a single hug and make sure im doing okay, he doesnt ever leave me when im having a hard day he stays till im happy and okay! Brent is the nicest guy i have met he has the most amazing personality and im so lucky he is in my life, it couldnt have been a better time for me to meet him. Im crazy about this guy and he makes me so happy , i just wanted to brag about how lucky i am and how blessed i have been to meet him, everything happens for a reason :) AHHH life is just too great!
Brent And I! ( what a stud he is)

Friday, October 22, 2010

8 ways to win my heart

1. Make me Laugh and Smile

2. Stand up for me

3. Dont be embarrassed to be seen with me

4. Give me your jacket when its cold

5. Sing to me even if you cant sing ill still love it

6. Dont be a jerk in front of your friends

7. Protect me, but dont be overprotecting

8. Never lie to me, always be truthful